Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Jefferson Park Backpacking 9/13/10

This last weekend my friend Chris and I took a backpacking trip to Jefferson Park. Jefferson Park is a large, relatively flat plain on the N-NW side of Mount Jefferson (10,497 ft) within the Mt. Jefferson Wilderness.

Several lakes dot the area, as well as a plethora of meadows and streams. Each area has its own unique scenery. We timed it just right as the wildflowers were at their peak.

Dawn and I went there last year but were driven away by the mosquitoes. They were not as bad this time, possibly due to the constant breeze, plus I had my arsenal of DEET and permithrin.

The weather cooperated with absolutely clear blues skies, which you will see allowed for some great photography.

Total mileage: 27+
Total elevation gain: 4,500 ft

Here is a link to some pictures from the Jefferson Park trip:


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